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student giving the thumbs up

On March 14th, the Leadership Development Council hosted its first fair to present its Passion Pitch Projects. Faculty, students, and parents came to listen to each group’s presentation at their respective tables, showcasing the projects they had been diligently working on for months. All groups provided attendees with tangible takeaways, allowing them to share their learnings with others and to serve as a reminder of their experience.

The "Small Acts Big Impacts" group aimed to promote kindness throughout the school. They achieved this by distributing colorful clips adorned with positive messages to each visitor. Recipients were encouraged to pass on the gift, aiming to brighten someone else's day. One participant shared, “I found one on my backpack with the message, ‘You deserve to have a great day’”.

Another group, "Foreign Muse", raised awareness about international singers and their charitable contributions. They offered samples of various cuisines from around the world to emphasize the singers' cultural backgrounds.

These Passion Pitch Projects and their accompanying takeaways left attendees feeling uplifted and informed on a variety of topics. The LDC members invested months of hard work and dedication into their projects, showcasing their commitment to bringing their passions to Gwynedd.